Reinhilde Veugelers
Prof Dr. Reinhilde Veugelers is a full professor at KULeuven (BE) at the Department of Management, Strategy and Innovation. She has been a Senior fellow at Bruegel since 2009. She is also a CEPR Research Fellow, a member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and of the Academia Europeana. From 2004-2008, she was on academic leave, as advisor at the European Commission (BEPA Bureau of European Policy Analysis). She served on the ERC Scientific Council from 2012-2018 and on the RISE Expert Group advising the commissioner for Research. She is a member of VARIO, the expert group advising the Flemish minister for Innovation. She is currently a member of the Board of Reviewing Editors of the journal Science and a co-PI on the Science of Science Funding Initiative at NBER.
With her research concentrated in the fields of industrial organisation, international economics and strategy, innovation and science, she has authored numerous well cited publications in leading international journals. Specific recent topics include novelty in technology development, international technology transfers through MNEs, global innovation value chains, young innovative companies, innovation for climate change, industry science links and their impact on firm’s innovative productivity, evaluation of research & innovation policy, explaining scientific productivity, researchers’ international mobility, novel scientific research.
Disclosure of interests
Featured work
The Future of European Industrial Policy
Bruegel Annual Meetings | 4-5 September 2024
This year's Annual Meetings centered around the launch of the Bruegel Memos to the European Union leadership 2024-2029
Memo to the commissioner responsible for the internal market
Memo to the commissioner responsible for research and innovation
Through taxes to tech: using fiscal policies to promote innovation
At this event, we discussed the 2nd chapter of IMF’s latest Fiscal Monitor, titled “Expanding Frontiers: Fiscal Policies for Innovation".
China’s Innovation and Industrial Policy: Achievements, challenges and consequences for Europe
At this event, we explored both China's successes and challenges when it comes to innovation.
The comparison between the European and American innovation systems is hardly encouraging for Europe
Green Industrial Policy in Europe: Past, Present, and Prospects
Coordination for EU Competitiveness
Guiding the EU’s quest for economic competitiveness
What role do strategic investments play in Germany's economic resurgence?
The event discussed urgent policies in Germany for addressing labor shortages and fostering long-term economic growth.
Developing a green industrial policy for the European Green Deal
Talks@Bruegel: Accelerating Italy's economic growth with Bernardo Mattarella
At this event we will discuss how developments in productivity, industrial structures and SMEs are helping Italy to accelerate economic growth.
Sparking Europe’s new industrial revolution
Green tech race? The US Inflation Reduction Act and the EU Net Zero Industry Act in The World Economy
Driving Europe’s green industrial revolution
On-line only launch event for Bruegel Blueprint: Sparking Europe's new industrial revolution: a policy for net zero, growth and resilience
Sparking Europe’s new industrial revolution: A policy for net zero, growth and resilience
This book assesses what must be done to implement industrial policy in a way that will achieve overarching goals while minimising distortions.
Rebooting the European Union’s Net-Zero Industry Act
The proposal for a Net Zero Industry Act still needs work before it can realize its objectives, according to a new paper by Bruegel.
Rebooting the European Union’s Net Zero Industry Act
Net Zero Industry Act: is it fit for purpose?
Invitation-only event where we discuss NZIA and clean-tech investments in Europe.
How should EU policymakers reboot the NZIA?
Integration, multilateralism and sovereignty: building a Europe fit for new global dynamics
How should Europe position itself in a world that is increasingly fragmented and polarized?
The impact of geoeconomic fragmentation on Foreign Direct Investment
To what extent is geoeconomic fragmentation translating into a fragmentation of FDI?
The EU Net Zero Industry Act and the risk of reviving past failures
How the EU might respond to clean tech subsidies, in the form of a leaked draft law entitled the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), is deeply worrisome.
How Europe should answer the US Inflation Reduction Act
This policy brief explains what is in the IRA, the impact on the EU and other economies, and how the EU should react.
Industrial policy and the space industry in Europe
At this closed-door event, we will address the strategic importance of the space industry to overall European industrial policy.
Bruegel Annual Meetings, 6-7 September 2022
The Annual Meetings are Bruegel's flagship event which gathers high-level speakers to discuss the economic topics that affect Europe and the world.
Raising EU productivity through innovation
A better overview of which firms are most likely to adopt digital technologies and to innovate, and to turn these investments into productivity growth
Productivity in transformative times
This Microprod policy conference discussed how productivity is affected by globalisation and digitisation.
Towards an inventory of corporate subsidies by China, the EU and the USA
In this event, panellists discussed corporate subsidies by China, the European Union and the United States.
How fast is this novel technology going to be a hit? Antecedents predicting follow-on inventions
In this paper, the authors identify novel technologies on a large-scale and map their re-use trajectories.
mRNA vaccines: a lucky shot?
How can the background of mRNA technology development help us understand how public vaccine research and development policy can be improved?
Europe's path to net-zero
Fostering the industrial component of the European Green Deal: key principles and policy options.
Brave new digital industrial policy
Bruegel Annual Meetings, Day 2 - In this session our speakers will discuss innovation and digitalisation.
Bruegel Annual Meetings, 1-3 September 2021
The 2021 Annual Meetings gathered high-level speakers and participants to discuss how to recover from the crises brought on by the Covid pandemic
A world divided: global vaccine trade and production
COVID-19 has reinforced traditional vaccine production patterns, but the global vaccine trade has changed considerably.
Research and innovation policies and productivity growth
Can research and innovation policies power growth? The answer currently can only be a timid yes.
A green industrial policy for Europe
A ‘green industrial policy’ able to promote economic growth, job creation and environmental goals altogether will be fundamental to Europe’s climate c
A green industrial policy for Europe
The EU needs to develop a strong green industrial policy. What should Europe's strategy look like and how can we achieve it?
A green industrial policy for Europe
This Blueprint examines how the European Union can develop a coherent green industrial policy that will serve the goals of the European Green Deal.
Free movement of data: how to maintain necessary sharing among the EU, UK, and USA?
In the current legal climate, how can the EU, the US and the UK continue to share data?
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2020 - Day 3
Third day of Bruegel Annual Meetings.
Bruegel Annual Meetings 1-3 September, 2020
Bruegel's flagship event transformed into a virtual conference for pandemic times
The role of AI in healthcare
How can AI help us fight through a pandemic crisis?
Biological threats and EU preparedness: How can we make the system more resilient?
Can the EU handle biological threats?
Racing against COVID-19: a vaccines strategy for Europe
This Policy Contribution proposes a staged support scheme to tackle the COVID-19 vaccine challenge and a moon shot programme to meet the challenge of
A post-Brexit agreement for research and innovation
This report sets out what the Wellcome Trust and Bruegel have learned from a project to simulate a negotiation process between the UK and EU to create
Bridging the divide: new evidence about firms and digitalisation
Small European firms are falling behind in the race to digitalise, but so are their American counterparts.
The Great Reversal-Causes and implications of the rising corporate concentration in the US
During this event, Thomas Philippon presented his thesis on market concentration and explained the reasons behind the rising corporate market power in
What industrial policy for the European Green Deal?
This event will be a workshop, aiming to look into the design and implementation process of the European Green Deal. Each session will be introduced b
Questions to Mariya Gabriel the Commissioner-designate for Innovation and Youth
European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen disseminated her mission letters to commissioner-designates. The letter to the commissioner-d
In an era of digitalisation, the Single Market needs a software update
This blog post is part of a series following the 2019 Bruegel annual meetings, which brought together nearly 1,000 participants for two days of policy
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2019, 4-5 September
The 2019 Annual Meetings featured the launch of Bruegel's memos to the new European Leadership, proposing how to deal with future policy challenges
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2019
Bruegel's 2019 Annual Meetings will be held on 4-5 September and feature the launch of Bruegel's Memos to the New European Commission.
The 4th industrial revolution: opportunities and challenges for Europe and China
What is the current status of EU-China relations concerning innovation, and what might their future look like?
Europe – the global centre for excellent research
This report, requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, analyses the EU’s potential to be a global centre of e
Rethinking industrial policy in the digital age: challenges for Europe
All-day conference about how the European policy-making will have to adapt to the digital transformation.
Is the European automotive industry ready for the global electric vehicle revolution?
How can Europe catch up on the global electric vehicle race?
Empirical trends in markups and market power: implications for productivity and growth
Empirical trends in markups and market power: their implications for productivity and growth
How Europe could yet take the lead in the global electric-vehicle development race
The electrification of vehicles has become a key trend in the automotive sector, driven by clean energy and climate-change concerns. In a scenario of
Is the European automotive industry ready for the global electric vehicle revolution?
This Policy Contribution investigates the position of the European automotive industry in a scenario in which electrification substantially progresses
Competition policy for the digital age
How can competition policy adapt to market changes caused by new technologies, digital platforms and big data companies?
How could voter turnout influence US elections outcome?
Voting is a central pillar of democracy. The US consistently scores lower than other Western democracies in voter turnout. The authors analyse the po
Brexit and industry & space policy
Testimony before the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
China's digital economy
How to measure China's digital economy?
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2018
The 2018 Annual Meetings will be held on 3-4 September and will feature sessions on European and global economic governance, as well as finance, ener
Should we revisit the patent system for pharmaceutical products?
Analysis of the legal issues with the current IP system for regulated market authorisations for pharmaceutical products, as well as its economic effec
The European automotive sector: future challenges and opportunities
On 6 June Bruegel is organising a closed-door brainstorming workshop on: The European automotive sector: future challenges and opportunities.
Protecting EU firms without protectionism
Do we need more effective support for EU companies, more targeted to threatened sectors of strategic importance to the EU? Do we need to revise our c
Challenges and opportunities for the EU digital single market
At this event, we looked into the progress made towards achieving the main priorities for strengthening the digital single market, the opportunities a
Are European firms falling behind in the global corporate research race?
The author looks at how concentrated corporate R&D is in Europe, compared with sales and employment. The US and China are more likely to produce new R
The impact of Brexit for Research & Innovation in Europe
This event featured a new and interactive format, with a restricted and high-level on-site audience and in parallel, it has been livestreamed on our w
Zombie firms and weak productivity: what role for policy?
At this event, we will have the chance to discuss the final findings of OECD's project on Exit Policies and Productivity Growth, which started at the
Start-ups' scale-up and innovation
What role is there for policy to address the funding barrier for scaling-up? Do we need a reorientation of the currently pursued policies in European
An innovation deficit behind Europe’s overall productivity slowdown?
Reinhilde Veugelers' chapter in "Investment and Growth in Advanced Economies", conference volume of the European Central Bank’s Forum on central bank
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2017, 7-8 September
The Annual Meetings are Bruegel’s flagship event.
Remaking Europe: the new manufacturing as an engine for growth
Europe needs to know how it can realise the potential for industrial rejuvenation. How well are European firms responding to the new opportunities for
China is the world's new science and technology powerhouse
Chinese R&D investment has grown remarkably over the past two decades. It is now the second-largest performer in terms of R&D spending, on a country b
Review of EU-third country cooperation on policies falling within the ITRE domain in relation to Brexit
What is the possible future relationship between the EU and the UK in light of Brexit? The report provides a critical assessment of the implications o
The challenge of China’s rise as a science and technology powerhouse
China's ambition to be a global leader in science and innovation by 2050 seems well within reach. The creation of US-Chinese science and technology ne
Big data, digital platforms and market competition
How does big data generate economic value for firms and individuals? How should we respond to potential antitrust concerns?
Inclusive growth in the European Union
Why is inclusive growth important and how do the EU’s social problems differ from social problems in other parts of the world?
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2016, 6-7 September
The Annual Meetings are a high point in Bruegel's calendar.
Bruegel Annual Meetings 2016
The Annual Meetings are a high point in Bruegel's calendar.
Policies for digital innovation
We were pleased to welcome Paul Misener, Vice President of Global Public Policy at, to discuss innovation and regulation.
Bias against novelty in science: a cautionary tale for users of bibliometric indicators
Research which explores unchartered waters has a high potential for major impact but also carries a higher uncertainty of having impact. Such explorat
State Aid evaluation: two years of implementation
This event discussed the evaluation of state aid and how it can contribute to better policy-making.
What can Europe learn from US science policy?
There were high expectations for the effect of the COMPETES Acts on the US research and innovation landscape. But were these expectations met and what
The European Union’s growing innovation divide
This Policy Contribution examines the EU’s struggle to improve its capacity for innovation, in particular the differences between EU member states in
Sustainability and green innovation in competition policy
The green agenda is a top priority of the Juncker commission. In this event we will focus the role of competition policy in promoting sustainability a
The long-term impact of migration in Europe
Amidst the short-term drama of the refugee and Schengen crises, it is time to look at the long-term effects of migration on European societies and eco
Getting the most from public R&D spending in times of budgetary austerity
The dangerous cocktail of high debt and low growth in Europe calls for smart public investment that fosters growth whithout being a burden for public
Can mass migration boost innovation and productivity?
The long-term impact of migration on innovation and productivity growth in host countries is a neglected issue in the current debate on refugees. Rese
The economic integration of migrants and refugees
What are the economic and labour market implications of Europe's refugee influx?
Matching research and innovation policies in EU countries
Europe has lofty ambitions for building a socially and environmentally sustainable future on the basis of growth and prosperity through innovation. De
Patents and royalties: stifling or promoting innovation in ICT?
The patent system is never out of the spotlight. Do patents achieve their ultimate goal of incentivising innovation, or actually stifle it? The debate
EU immigration to the US: where is it coming from, and is brain drain real?
In today’s world of ever-increasing mobility, who is leaving Europe? In this piece, we examine the immigrants leaving the EU for the US. How many and
Europe’s true immigration capacity: what we can learn from the US green card system
As masses of immigrants arrive at our doorstep each day, only to be denied entry, we cannot help but ask ourselves if the EU is doing enough. How many
Are European yollies more hampered by financial barriers than their US counterparts?
The persistent deficiency in private R&D spending in Europe compared to the United States can be almost entirely accounted for by the EU having fe
The Achilles' heel of Juncker's investment plan
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's plan to boost investment in the EU has three pillars: (i) the creation of a European Fund for Stra
Remerge: regression-based record linkage with an application to PATSTAT
We further extend the information content in PATSTAT by linking it to Amadeus, a large database of companies that includes financial information. Pate
Is Europe saving away its future?
The Crisis affected public spending. Research and innovation is one area often highlighted as needing protection. This column does not find strong evi
EU to DO 2015-2019
Memos to the new EU leadership.
Undercutting the future? European research spending in times of fiscal consolidation
Are R&D budgets being smartly used to address growth? How is the crisis affecting public Research & Development budgets across the EU?
Smart fiscal consolidation and the effectiveness of R&D budgets
The implications of Asia’s scientific rise
A previous article in this newsletter (issue 3, December 2012) demonstrated how selected Asian governments have come to view science as integral to ec
A broader view on EU data protection
The data protection of EU citizens has been in focus ever since the surge in espionage scandals that began with the leaks from Edward Snowden. But bes
Bruegel year in review - 2013
The economic impact of data protection
Manufacturing Europe's growth
Europe's policies should focus on the high-end industries that are driving Europe's productivity growth.
„Die EU setzt nicht die richtigen Ziele“
Interview mit Bruegel-Forscherin Reinhilde Veugelers über die Renaissance der Industriepolitik.
Bruegel Publication Launch: Manufacturing Europe's Future
Manufacturing Europe’s future
‘Manufacturing Europe’s future’ means getting the policies right for firms to grow and prosper. It is not about picking one sector over another, but p
The future of manufacturing: increasingly demanding demand
EU-Korea Economic Exchange
Articles published during the Bruegel/Korea Institute of Finance project on ‘EU-Korea policy responses to the global financial and economic crisis and
The world innovation landscape: Asia rising?
Global growth in research and development has been vigorous, with both public and private R&D investment increasing and growing more rapidly outsi
The World innovation landscape: Asia rising?
Growth in research and development spending globally has been vigorous, averaging nearly eight percent annually during the last five years. An ever-la
ERC: indispensable for frontier research in Europe
2012 was the year that the European Research Council (ERC) celebrated its 5th birthday. Although 5 years is still short for a sound evaluat
The rise of Asia in science
The rise of Asia in science
Are new ICT sectors a platform for European growth?
New ICT sectors: Platforms for European growth?
New ICT sectors: Platforms for European growth?
Europe's failure to specialise in new ICT sectors and firms is likely to hold back Europe’s post-crisis recovery. Europe lacks in particular leading
Golden Growth: Restoring the lustre of the European economic model
The report documents the impressive achievements of the European growth model over the last 50 years. Accounting for the stresses it is experiencing a
Innovation in EU merger control: walking the talk
European Union policymakers have in principle put innovation at the heart of competitiveness, in particular in the Europe 2020 strategy. But in merg
Assessing the potential for knowledge-based development in the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia
This paper zooms in on TFP’s contribution to growth in the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, in orde
Mind Europe's early-stage equity gap
Remedying the European Union’s deficient overall business research and development performance requires the nurturing of more new companies in new s